EP 28 Part 2: Exploring Match-Striking for Beginners: Harnessing Your Personal Power to Impart Wisdom to Rising Leaders
In Part Two of this two-part series, we delve into the dynamic world of leadership and personal growth with our guest, Nan Watts of Watts Collaborative. Nan moves our conversation towards the Rising Leaders, the next generation of changemakers, who are creating a global community by bridging various entities and shaking up current systems. Michelle and Tracey probe into the evolution of leadership, highlighting the integration of intuition and the pursuit of wholeness. With profound insight, Nan advocates for becoming the embodiment of the qualities we seek and engages us in the necessity of self-awareness and introspection. Join us in this thought-provoking two-part conversation, resonating with the need for individual and collective strides towards a renewed paradigm of leadership.
In this episode Tracey, Michelle, and Nan talk about:
- Discussion on the role of wholeness in guiding leadership practices.
- Exploration of self-awareness and its role in personal and professional growth.
- Tracey and Nan talk about the difficulty of fitting self-care into busy work schedules.
- Nan’s initiative to bring rising leaders together for mutual development.
- Identifying and employing personal power through the power of the pause.
In our conversation with Nan, as in other conversations in our series highlighting Tracey’s book, we explore concepts from Match-Striking for Beginners: Activating Individual and Collective Power from the Margin, which will be released on June 25, 2024. Whether you’re seeking to ignite your inner superhero or activate collective power from the margin, Tracey’s book is a roadmap that offers essential practices and bold moves to break through the blockers we, as marginalized voices and groups, experience so that you can create lasting impact. Preorder your copy of Match-Striking for Beginners today and join the movement for positive change!
Connect with Tracey, Michelle and Nan: